Document extraction
Extract key values from the given document and predicts the type of the field. For example, if in a given document "Invoice: 101" keyValue is found, it will predict its type as "INVOICE NUMBER" for now the type prediction is limited to the type identified by AWS Textract OCR Provider.
Sync Extraction
/ocrsvc/v{ver}/DocumentExtraction is called when user want to extract all key pair values.
The table shows the required values:
Component | Description |
API Method | /ocrsvc/v{ver}/DocumentExtraction |
Input |
Output | The response is of JSON type |
Async Extraction
ocrsvc/v{ver}/AsyncDocumentExtraction are called when user wants to extract all key pair values. Called when OCR Document is a PDF File.
The table shows the required values:
Component | Description |
API Method | ocrsvc/v{ver}/AsyncDocumentExtraction |
Input |
Output | The response is of JSON type |