Current limitations and errors
These are the current limitations and errors:
- Script syntax is not checked in the Word Addin and no validation/error messaging occurs when given wrong script.
- No script completion/suggested function capability exists in the word addin.
- You cannot modify the content source or the data xml file, or do any kind of manipulation on the xml source file.
- The xpath function in scripting only evaluates the value of an xml leaf node. It cannot count the number of children of the xml Node currently.
- No syntax highlighting is supported as scriptTab is a simple textBox.
- Scripting does not support the use of for/while loops.
- Scripting in a repeating section table with conditional statements can act as a loop and can potentially get stuck in an infinite loop which will cause the job to eventually timeout.
- Job are failed in backend when:
- Syntax errors in scripting. (semi colon, closing parenthesis are missed etc).
- Functions are provided with wrong arguments (expecting a number instead of boolean).
- If variable in XPath causes XPath to become invalid.