Selected Control Properties

This panel is for viewing and editing the properties of a specific content control. To enable editing, select one content control. You can change these properties:

Value XPath
The path that indicates the location in the data XML's structure where this content control was taken from.
IDM XQuery
This only applies to images that were inserted after being searched in the Document Management Images panel.
Value type
The type of value (date, time, number, hyperlink) the content control is meant to hold.
Label XPath
This only applies to label content controls.
Custom Locale
This changes the date and number formatting. This only applies if you click the Use this locale when formatting value button.
Input format
Tells Output Management what to expect from the data XML file in terms of format.
Output format
What the data should look like when the document is generated.
Determine when content found in this content control should be visible.
Allowed values:
  • Dont hide

    This control is always visible.

  • Hide control if value XPath result is empty

    If the data XML does not have any values for this XPath, this control is hidden.

  • Hide control if XPath condition result is true

    Create a condition by which the XPath is made hidden or visible through value comparisons. For example, to hide a line item if the cost is less than $1, you would add that condition to the box below this option.