priority (Java class ItemPriorityFile)

A list of file objects that should be searched in order. Valid file objects are pid, xquery, or template. You can use this file type if you must first search for one document and, if that is not found, then try with the next document.

Attribute name Value Type Description
type "priority" string The file object type.
priority Example: File object array

An array of file objects. Valid file object types are pid, xquery, and template.

The priority list is iterated in order and when a document is found, the iteration is stopped.

This is an example of this input type in JSon:

    "type": "priority" [
             "type": "xquery",
             "xquery": "/CustomerModifiedDocumentType[@MDS_name=\"Invoice.docx\"]"
             "type": "xquery",
             "xquery": "/DefaultDocumentType[@MDS_name=\"Invoice.docx\"]"