generate (Java class GenerateFile)

Generate generates a document given a template layout and data.

Attribute name Value Type Description
type "generate" string The file object type.
data   file object A file object of type pid, xquery, template or data. The actual document must be an XML document. The normal scenario would be an XML produced by the client and sent in as a data object.
template   file object A file object of type pid, xquery, template or data. The actual document must be a Word template. The normal scenario would be a template or xquery.

It is discouraged to send the Word layout as a data object because unnecessary data is transferred to Document Output. Performance is affected.

filename Example: "MyFile.pdf" string Name of generated file. This value is used if you are sending the document as an attachment, saving it back to Document Management, or referencing it in any other way. The extension of the name determines what type of document is produced. Currently .pdf, .docx, and .html are the only supported document types.

Note that HTML documents cannot be stored back to Document Management. HTML is mainly used for generating an email body.

pdfA Optional

True / False

Ignored if file extension differs from .pdf

Default value is False.

boolean Indicates whether to generate the pdf as a pdf/A. If the IDM_OUTPUTFORMAT custom property is specified in the document, then this property is ignored.
item Optional

File object containing an item.

file object If there is an item target defined, then you can override the item that is defined in the item target with this value. If no item target is defined, then this value is ignored.

Use this field if you must generate several documents in one job and save them to Document Management with different attributes.

This is an example of this input type in JSon:

  "type": "generate",
  "data": {
     "type": "data",
     "filename": "OrderData_2342345.xml",
     "base64": "dGVzdA=="
   "xquery": {
     "type": "xquery",
     "xquery": "/OutputManagementTesting[@RESOURCENAME = \"OrderConfirmation.docx\"]"
   "filename": "OrderConfirmation_2342345.pdf",
   "item": {
      "type": "data",
      "base64": "sdfdsf=",
      "filename": "MyItem.xml"