Error types

Failed events are placed into replay queue groups, based on the reason, so that they can be individually managed and prioritized for fixing or replaying.

These are the error type groups:

  • Connectivity
  • Data type
  • Data validation
  • Schema
  • Unknown error
  • Discard only

Records that have a Discard only error type cannot be replayed as attempting delivery again would not solve the issue.

Error type Possible cause of the issue
  • Credentials provided in the destination are not valid.
  • User provided in the destination does not have the necessary privilege to write into database.
  • Database is unreachable.
Data type Mismatch between the column data type and the value you are trying to load.
Data validation
  • Tried to store a null value in a non-null column.
  • Value you are trying to load exceeds the column's maximum value.
  • Incorrect mapping of unique identifiers in the data object and primary keys in target table.
  • Schema does not exist in database.
  • Table does not exist in database.
  • Columns do not exist in database.
Unknown error These are records for which you could not identify the error, or it is a new error not yet categorized.
Discard only
  • Malformed JSON message.
  • Not a JSON.
  • Record bigger than 4.5 MB.