This function shows the data object sequence id, which is the record sequence, or line of the data object for the record. It is associated with the data object Id.

The functions and parameters are case-insensitive. The default result set column name is infor.DataObjectSeqId. You can specify an alias to override the default result set column name.


select infor.dataobjectseqid('object') from object

The parameter is the object name. Use single quotes around the object name because it is a literal for the function. Use the object name as a parameter if the query contains joins to select the DataObjectSeqId from a specific object name.


select infor.dataobjectseqid() from object

The object name is optional if the query selects data from a single object.

The infor.lastModified, infor.dataObjectId and infor.dataObjectSeqId are associated with each record and are used for traceability back to a specific object stored in Data Lake. Use the infor.dataObjectId to find a specific data object by using the Data Lake API /dataobject/{id}. Each payload can contain one or more records, or tuples. Therefore, you might have the same infor.dataObjectId and infor.lastModified associated with multiple records in a result set. The infor.dataObjectSeqId is the record location or line, in the infor.dataObjectId.

For example: A data object ID has 50 records; the infor.dataObjectSeqId is used to find the record, or sequence of the record in the data object ID.

Note: Before v2020-09, the default names of the properties were lastModified, dataObjectId, and dataObjectSeqId. The infor prefix is the new naming standard as of v2020-09. The infor prefix was added to avoid name contention with properties defined in the object meta data. Use of properties without the infor prefix might be deprecated in a future release.