Snowflake user

We recommend that you create a separate database user for Stream Pipelines. Assign the user roles that allow the user to list the accessible tables and read and write in the tables in Stream Pipelines.

To ensure that the pipelines work correctly, grant these permissions to the user and replace the placeholder text with the appropriate values:

  • GRANT USAGE ON WAREHOUSE {warehouse_name} TO ROLE {role_name}
  • GRANT MONITOR ON DATABASE {database_name} TO ROLE {role_name}
  • GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE {database_name} TO ROLE {role_name}
  • GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA {database_name}.{schema_name} TO ROLE {role_name}
  • GRANT SELECT ON TABLE {schema_name}."{table_name}" TO ROLE {role_name}
  • GRANT INSERT ON TABLE {schema_name}."{table_name}" TO ROLE {role_name}

Assign the user the default Snowflake Virtual Warehouse. This ensures that the required resources are available for processing queries and other Snowflake operations.