
Functions are used to format or transform data.

You can access functions at various points in the Skill Builder by typing $ into the text box. A list of all the available functions is displayed. You can apply functions to variables such as Requirements and Response Variables just by typing its name without the curly braces.

The function can be also referenced directly in the response such that: $csk_fn_list_highest_number(value). However, we recommend you create a variable that references the function value you intend to use as in this example:

Create variables
Variable name Custom path
lowest number $csk_fn_list_lowest_number(["1","10","100","1000"])

The function can be referenced in the response such that: $csk_fn_list_highest_number(value).

Note:  Text formatting with markdown actions are not supported when using functions on a variable.

This section describes the available functions for Infor Coleman Digital Assistant: