Formatting text with Markdown

Coleman Digital Assistant offers Markdown support to format text.
Note: Currently, Markdown support is available to use in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le, Microsoft Teams, and Infor Go. However, Markdown is not supported for functions.

These options are available in a conversation:

  • Headers: 6 different styles of headers
  • Emphasis: Italics, bolds, or combined bolds
  • Lists: Numbered lists or bullet point lists.
    • A sequential number list is used when a random number is entered.
    • A bullet point is provided if you specify an asterisk (*), minus (-), or plus (+).
    • Add three spaces to indent a line.
  • Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks to external URL.
    • Links to email and phone numbers are also supported.
  • Code block: Text formatted as block of code.
  • Table: Text to support a table response.
    • Add at least 3 dashes separating each header cell.
    • Use colons (:) to align columns to be centered or left/right aligned.
    • Outer pipes (|) are optional and will not need to be lined up properly.
  • Blockquote: Format text to emulate email response
  • Image: Display images in the conversation window.

To format text in a skill, you can use these options:

Markdown Action Markdown Rendered Markdown
Headers # H1

## H2

### H3

#### H4

##### H5

###### H6







Italic text *italic text*

_italic text_

italic text

italic text

Bold text **bold text**

__bold text__

bold text

bold text

Combined Bold Text **bold all _text_** bold all text
Strikethrough ~~strikethrough~~ The word is displayed with a strikethrough.
Lists 1. Item 1


1. Item 2

1. Item 3

* Bullet point Item 1

1. Indent numbered list

- Bullet point Item 2

+ Bullet point Item 3

1. Item 1
  • Indent

2. Item 2

3. Item 3

  • Bullet point Item 1
    • 1. Indent numbered list
  • Bullet point Item 2
  • Bullet point Item 3
Hyperlinks [inline-style link](

[inline-style link]( “Infor Website”)


[Phone Number](tel:1234567890)

inline-style link

inline-style link

(tooltip with title)


Phone number

Code block '''

var s = "string";



var s = "string";


Table | Col 1 | Col 2 | Col 3 |

|--------- |:----------:| --------:|

| left | centered | right |

| spacing | does not | matter |

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3

left centered right

spacing does not matter

Blockquote > **Infor Coleman Digital Assistant** is an artificial intelligence solution designed specifically for business users. Infor Coleman Digital Assistant is an artificial intelligence solution designed specifically for business users.
Image ! [image ](https<>.png)