API terminology

This section includes a description of API and the fields found in API fulfillment.
Term Description
API Application Programming Interface. An API is a tool used by a system to receive requests and send responses for information at strategically exposed endpoints.

An API allows clients to interact with a system securely.

Path The URL that communicates to the System what the information the client is trying to access and where.
Method Specifies the type of action the client wants to perform. These are examples:
  • POST = Create
  • GET = Read
  • PUT = Update
  • DELETE = Delete
Path parameter This is data that is sent as part of the URL to define where or what information is to be accessed.

For example, in this URL:


{employeeUserGUID} is a path parameter.

Depending on the employee UserGUID that is input, a request for a different employee is sent. You must define a value to include as {employeeUserGUID}.

Not all APIs use path parameters. If the API does not include a path parameter, the fields is left blank.

Query string parameter

This is data that is sent in a query string appended to the URL to define where or what information is to be accessed.

For example, in this URL:


The query string is ?WHLO=&ITNO=. WHLO and ITNO are the query string parameters.

This query string performs a search based on the values that are specified for these parameters. You must define values for these parameters to find the correct information.

Not all APIs use query string parameters. If your API does not include a query string parameter then the fields are left blank.

Request Body

The request body includes additional information that is sent from the client to the server.

If your API does not include a Request Body, the field is left blank.

Response Body

The response body includes information that is sent from the system back to the client. This information is commonly found in key value pairs. This information can be extracted from the response body using JSON paths.