
The wrong skill was invoked

Solution: Check your utterances to ensure the skill was invoked correctly. Additionally, ensure that you do not have identical utterances in different skills.

To check the confidence scores of intents, use the Try It Out window. To display the confidence score for intents when invoking a skill:

  1. Click i to the right of the response on the Try it Out panel.
  2. Expand the Initializing Lex Skill tab.
  3. The currentIntent shows the confidence score under nluIntentConfidenceScore.
  4. Use alternativeIntents nluIntentConfidenceScore for alternative intents.

You can add more utterances to a skill to ensure the proper skill is invoked.

An error was issued

Cause: Unless the error message is a defined response, such as An error occurred. Please try again., then the error message came from a defined response condition.

Solution: Check the skill's response conditions to better understand what lead to the output error.

Coleman does not understand the value that Coleman has asked for

Cause: The requirement type may be incorrect.

Solution: Ensure the requirement type chosen is appropriate for the expected input. Use these requirement types:

  • Person: Use only for common English names.
  • AlphaNumeric Use for GUIDs or IDs with a mix of numbers and letters.
  • String for letters and spaces

If you are creating a custom skill that does not fit these criteria, you can create a custom requirement type for your unique case.