
Utterances are your questions to Coleman Digital Assistant.

The recommended number of utterances depends on the skill. As a guideline, only use as many utterances as required to ensure that utterance conflicts do not occur. Additionally, do not include the word Coleman unnecessarily to invoke a skill. For example, Coleman,check my PTO.

We recommend that you do not include string requirements in your utterances. A string requirement with an alphanumeric requirement in a single utterance increases the probability that Coleman Digital Assistant will not understand your intent. If a string is included, please ensure that the string requirement is stored at the end of the utterance.

All deployed skills should have a similar number of utterances.

These are keywords that can be invoked at any time during a conversation and can lead to intent conflicts. Do not include these reserved words in your list of utterances:

  • Help
  • Cancel
  • Stop
Note: You can add utterances by using Shift + Enter to add a new line.

Consider unexpected ways a user might ask for this skill. Consider industry lingo that may apply. Additionally, consider regional dialects. For example, depending on where your user is located, paid time off may be referred to as PTO, Vacation, Holiday, or Leave.

I want to use my PTO is a good example to start a vacation request. I want to relax on the beach is not a good example.

Note: Ensure that there are no utterances in your skill that are identical to utterances for another skill. This could cause inconsistency in skill invocation.