Creating and starting the simple web interface

Before the web interface container can be created, the ip address of the Cassandra docker container needs to be retrieved. The ip address can be found by running the following command in a Command Prompt.

docker inspect local-cassandra

The ip address is located in the Networks area of the json that is returned by the inspect command. In this example, the ip address is

Start and initialize the web interface by running the following command in a Command Prompt.

docker run -dp 3000:3000 -e CASSANDRA_HOST= -e CASSANDRA_PORT=9042 -e CASSANDRA_USER=cassandra -e CASSANDRA_PASSWORD=cassandra metavige/cassandra-web

When the command has been executed, start the Docker Desktop to verify that both the Cassandra container and the web interface container are up and running. Note that the log files for each container can be found in Docker Desktop in case something goes wrong. The log file can be viewed by clicking the name of the container.