.Net based thick clients
There are multiple OAuth2.0 libraries available, for example: http://www.nuget.org/packages/Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Client/. This URL provides a library with utility functions to implement the OAuth2.0 protocol. The client application can leverage the library to construct the correct URL query parameters and the form post required as part of the interaction with the authorization service.
To facilitate the adoption of the Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Client application library, a sample application has been created to showcase the different interactions with the authorization service in the OAuth2.0 protocol. The sample application is based on the samples from the Thinktecture team located at: https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3.Samples/tree/master/source/Clients
The application provides the functionality to obtain an authorization code API Gateway with the button.
button. Then the code can be exchanged by an access_token with the button. After a token is obtained and the client is configured to receive a refresh_token, you can obtain a new access_token with the button. You can call theWhen the application does not need the access_token or the refresh_token, they can be revoked by using either
or . The sample application showcases the interaction of the client with the authorization service. This sample app does not treat the access_token or refresh_token securely. Maintaining the access_token and refresh_token secure is the responsibility of the final application and should be secured as any other existing secret.