
Use the Throttling policy to smooth the rate of requests or to arrest any spikes in the number of requests that may occur.


In this example, Rate Smoothing is used to delay requests by one second after 5 requests in a minute have arrived. Also the Spike Arrest is set to reject, with a 429 status code, the 21st and greater requests in the same minute.

        name="throttling-example" displayName="throttling-example" enabled="true" version="1.0"
       xsi:schemaLocation=" throttling.xsd">
 <timePeriodInMilliseconds>60000</timePeriodInMilliseconds> <!-- one minute -->
  <!-- start delaying requests after more then 5 have arrived during the same minute
  <delayFactorInMilliseconds>1000</delayFactorInMilliseconds> <!-- delay by a factor of 1 second -->
  <!-- Start rejecting with a 429 status requests 21, 22, etc. arriving during the same minute → 


Element name Deault Presence Type Multiplicity
timePeriodInMilliseconds n/a Required Positive integer 1
rateSmoothing n/a Optional Complex 0..1
rateSmoothing.delayAfterCount n/a Required Positive integer 1
rateSmoothing.delayFactorInMilliseconds n/a Required Positive integer 1
spikeArrest n/a Optional Complex 0..1
spikeArrest.maxRequestsPerPeriod n/a Required Positive integer 1

<throttling> attributes

<throttling name="throttling-example" displayName="throttling-example" enabled="true" version="1.0”>
File name Description Default Presence
Name Name of this policy instance. N/A Required
displayName Optional
enabled Indicates if a policy is enforced or not. If set to false, a policy is turned off, and not enforced. true Optional


Policy version. N/A Required

<timePeriodInMilliseconds> element

This is the time period within which to smooth the rate or arrest the spike.

<timePeriodInMilliseconds>60000</timePeriodInMilliseconds> <!-- one minute -->

<rateSmoothing> element

Specify this element to perform rate smoothing.

 <!-- start delaying requests after 5 have arrived during the same minute -->
 <delayFactorInMilliseconds>1000</delayFactorInMilliseconds> <!-- delay by a factor of 1 second -->

<rateSmoothing.delayAfterCount> element

Sets the number of requests to accept in the time period before delaying any additional requests.


<rateSmoothing.delayFactorInMilliseconds> element

Sets the time (in ms) to delay any additional requests.


<spikeArrest> element

Specify this element to perform Spike Arrest.

 <!-- Start rejecting with a 429 status requests 21, 22, etc. arriving during the same minute -->

<spikeArrest.maxRequestsPerPeriod> element

Sets the number of allowed requests in the time period before rejecting the next request with a 429 status code.
