
API Gateway Monitoring is based on searching for a particular transaction.

You can filter your search by:

  • All
  • API Suite – the suite that contains the requested transaction
  • Path - the last part of the path on which the request was made, starting with /{Tenant}/{API Context}/{Endpoint}/{Resource}
  • Request ID – each request is assigned an ID in GUID format
  • User name – the name of the user who made the request, if available

You can limit your search by time:

  • Last 5 minutes – the From time and Service account – the ID of the service account that made the request, if availableTo time display search results from the last five minutes.
  • Last 1 Hour – the FromService account – the ID of the service account that made the request, if time and To time display search results from the last hour.
  • Last 24 Hours – the From time and To time display search results from the last 24 hours.
  • Custom – select your own From time and To time.

    Monitoring data is purged after 30 days.

Click GO to execute your search.