Using the Delete APIs

The Data Lake API suite provides methods to delete data objects from Data Lake.

You can purge the data object using one of these methods:

  • The DELETE dataobjects/filter method.
  • A two-step approach by first calling the GET dataobjects method to receive the list of data object id(s) and then purging data object(s) using the DELETE dataobjects/ids method

When purging from Purge API the process does not clear the matching reformatted Compass data. It is required that you manually clear the Compass data after purging. You can use the Compass API to run the clear data administration procedure. In the clear data parameters use the object name and the oldest store date of the data objects that were purged.

To purge archived data you must set the “Include archived” parameter to true.

The purge action cannot be reverted and archived data objects are removed.

Interface and consumption methods are exposed through the Data Lake API Service registered within theION API Suite for Infor Data Fabric.

For more information on how to use ION APIs and how to interact with Swagger documentation for the API methods, see Infor ION API Administration Guide.

For instructions on how to clear Compass data see Clear data

Note:  The clearing of Compass data is not applicable for AWS GovCloud.