Clipboard options

These options are available for the activities or sequences displayed on the designer canvas. Right click an activity or sequence to display these clipboard options:

  • Open

    To view and edit the properties of the selected activity within a sequence. You can right click the activity again and select the View Parent option to display the sequence.

  • Cut

    To remove the selected activity from the current position in the workflow. The removed activity is placed in the clipboard. You can paste the activity in some other sequence within the workflow or in another workflow.

  • Copy

    To create a copy of the selected activity, retaining all the properties. You can paste the activity in some other sequence within the workflow or in another workflow.

  • Paste

    To include an activity, stored in the clipboard, in a workflow at the location where you right-clicked. The pasted activity retains all properties that were present when the activity was cut or copied.

  • Delete

    To remove the activity permanently from the workflow.

  • Annotation

    To add, edit, or review comments and notes related to a specific activity. Annotations are useful for documenting details, explanations, or reminders directly within the workflow.

  • Copy as Image

    To create an image representation of the selected activity. The image can then be pasted into other applications or documents, providing a visual representation of the activity.

  • Save as Image

    To export the selected activity as an image file directly to your computer or a specified location. This option is useful for creating visual documentation or sharing activity designs with others who do not have direct access to the RPA application.

  • Create Variable

    To define and create a new variable that is scoped within the context of that activity or the workflow.

  • Disable Activity

    To disable or deactivate an activity from a workflow. Disabled activities are added to the Comment Out activity and are skipped during the execution of automation.

  • Enable Activity

    To enable or activate an activity within the workflow. Enabled activities are removed from the Comment Out activity and are included during the execution of automation.