Extracting Data using Regular Expression Based Extraction

You can use the Regular Expression Based option to extract data based on the pattern of the string specified in the document created using the Manage Document Type functionality on the Design tab.

  1. Click Regular Expression Based option in the Extract Data activity window. The Configure Regular Expression screen is displayed.
  2. Select the document you created using the Manage Document type wizard.
  3. Specify regular expression values for the fields that you created in the document. Data is extracted based on the values specified.
    Note: The regular expression values can be obtained from the OCR Text of the document using online Regex builders such as https://www.regex101.com/. For example, the regex of a data value can be “(\d\/\d\/\d+\)”. Click Save.
    The extracted data output is in the JToken format that can be converted to a string and reviewed for debug purposes using the Message Box activity.