
This table lists the possible filters to retrieve messages.

Query Example
All mail messages that contain "Test" in the subject "[Subject] = Test"
All mail from John Smith "[From] = John Smith"
All mail messages with subject "Product Roadmap" "[Subject] = 'Product Roadmap'"
All mail messages with subject "Turn I can't into I can" "[Subject] = 'Turn I can''t into I can'" (add a single quote as an escape character)
All mail messages with subject "Job application: "Business Analyst" position" "[Subject] = 'Job application: ""Business Analyst"" position'" (add a double quote as an escape character)
All mail messages containing "business analyst" string in the subject "@SQL=""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"" like '%business analyst%'"
All mail messages with the subject starting with "job" "@SQL=""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"" like 'job%'"
All mail messages from "Anthony Young" "[SenderName] = 'Anthony Young'" "[From] = 'Anthony Young'"
All mail messages from "" "[SenderEmailAddress] = ''"
All mail messages containing "UiPath IT Automation" string in the body "@SQL=""urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription"" like '%UiPath IT Automation%'"
All mail messages with the body starting with "UiPath.Mail.Activities" string "@SQL=""urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription"" like 'UiPath.Mail.Activities%'"
All mail messages flagged with "Review" "[FlagRequest] = 'Review'"
All mail messages flagged with "Follow up" or "Review" "[FlagRequest] = 'Follow up' OR [FlagRequest] = 'Review'"
All mail messages with due date this week "[Due date] = 'This week'"
All mail messages with due date tomorrow "[Due date] = 'Tomorrow'"
All mail messages with due date on 01/21/2021 "[Due Date] = '01/21/2021'"
All mail messages with high importance "[Importance] = High"
All confidential mail messages "[Sensitivity] = Confidential"
All mail messages having 'Red category' and 'Blue category' as their categories "[Categories] = 'Red category' AND [Categories] = 'Blue category'" "[Categories] = 'Red category, Blue category'"
All mail messages received today "[Received] >= '" + DateTime.Today.ToString("d") + " 00:00AM'" "[ReceivedTime] >= '" + DateTime.Today.ToString("d") + " 00:00AM'"
All mail messages received yesterday "[Received] >= '" + DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToString("d") + " 00:00AM' AND [Received] < '"+ DateTime.Today.ToString("d") + " 00:00AM'"
All mail messages received since yesterday at 22:00 "[ReceivedTime] >= '" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("d") +" 22:00'"
All mail messages received in the last hour "[ReceivedTime] >= '" + DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm tt") + "'"
All mail messages received in the last 15 minutes "[ReceivedTime] >= '" + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-15).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm tt") + "'"
All mail messages sent in the last 15 minutes (MailFolder should be set to "Sent Items") "[SentOn] >= '" + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-15).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm tt") + "'"