Invoke Python Script

You can select this activity to run a specific python script with options. The options provide arguments and also redirects output.

Note: When an RPA flow containing the Invoke Python Script activity is published, the referenced Python script is also automatically published. Hence, the script is not required to be manually moved to other devices to run the RPA flow.

This table lists the properties for the activity.

Property Type Property Name Data type Description
Common Continue on error Boolean The option to continue the RPA flow even if the activity fails. This check box is selected by default.
Misc DisplayName String The display name of the activity.
Input Script Location String The location of the script. This value must be a variable.
Additional Arguments IEnumerable<Object> The additional arguments that must be passed to the python script.
Python Installation String The location where the non-standard python is installed.
Requirements String The text file that contains a list of required packages that must be installed.
Script Timeout Int32 The predefined time limit set for the execution of the script (milliseconds). This prevents the script to run indefinitely.
Output Package installation errors String The errors encountered when in- stalling the required packages.
Python error output String The error output that includes in- formation of the error.
Python Output String The information displayed when the python script is executed.
Response code Int32 Response code for the activity. Possible values:
  • 200 to 290: Indicates a successful response or valid output.
  • 400 to 499: Indicates client error responses.
  • 500 to 599: Indicates server error responses.