Read IMAP Mail Messages

You can select this activity to read IMAP mail messages from a specified account. This activity provides multiple options for specifying emails based on subject, date and other attributes.

This table lists the properties for the activity.

Property Type Property Name Data Type Description
Common Continue on error Boolean The option to continue the RPA flow even if the activity fails. This check box is selected by default
Connection Security N/A The security protocol to be used, such as None, SSL/TLS, STARTTLS.
Timeout Int32 The maximum time to wait for the retrieval option to complete before the system times out.
Credentials Password String The password associated with the username or account.
Username String The username or account name to authenticate with the IMAP server.
Host Mail Folder String The name of the folder or mailbox from which email messages must be retrieved. For example, Inbox or Sent Items.
Port Int32 The port number used for connecting to the IMAP server. For example, 143 for non-secure, 993 for SSL/TLS.
Server Address String The address or host name of the IMAP server.
Misc Display Name String The display name of the activity.
Options (Date) Before DateTime A filter expression to retrieve emails before a specific date or time.
(Date) Since DateTime A filter expression to retrieve emails since a specific date or time.
Download Folder String The folder to download attachments if the Include Attachments check box is selected. By default, attachments are downloaded to the Download folder.
Filter String Nonspecific filter to retrieve emails containing requested string.
From String A filter expression to retrieve emails from specific senders.
Include Attachments Boolean The option to include email attachments in the retrieved messages.
Mark as Read Boolean The option to mark emails as read.
Only Unread Emails Boolean The option to receive only unread emails.
Subject String A filter expression to retrieve emails with specific subject lines.
Top Number of Emails Int32 The maximum number of emails to load. The default value is 100.
Output Messages List<Mail> System.Collections.Genetic.List< Infor.Activities.Email.Mail > The email messages retrieved
Response Code Int32 Response code for the activity. Possible values:
  • 200 to 290: Indicates a successful response or valid output
  • 400 to 499: Indicates client error responses.
  • 500 to 599: Indicates server error responses