Read Emails

You can select this activity to read emails from a given email server and store the emails as a linked list of EmailMessage. This activity can be used only after an email server has been setup using the Email Server Setup activity.

This table lists the properties for the activity.

Property Type Property Name Data Type Description
Input Email Server ExchangeServer An ExchangeService type of server as input
Timeout Int32 Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for the activ ity to run before an error is displayed.
Number Read Int32 Reads the specified number of emails.
Sender Filter String Filters the emails based on the sender. See Filters for details.
Subject Filter String Filters the emails based on the subject.
Unread Only Boolean Filter and display only the unread emails.
Output Emails List<EmailMessage> System.Collectio ns.Genetic.List <Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage> A linked list of the read EmailMes- sage. This field only accepts LinkedList<EmailMessage> type arguments.
Response Code Int32 Response code for the activity. Possible values:
  • 200 to 290: Indicates a successful response or valid output.
  • 400 to 499: Indicates client error responses.
  • 500 to 599: Indicates server error responses.