Forward Outlook Graph Email

You can select this activity to forward emails to new recipients.

This table lists the properties for the activity.

Property Type Property Name Data Type Description
Common Continue on Error Boolean Select the check box to continue the RPA flow even if the activity fails. This check box is select- ed by default.
Email Message To String A list of email addresses of the recipients.
Attachments List< String> List of files to be attached as a collection.
BCC String A list of the hidden recipients of the email message in string format.
CC String A list of email addresses of the recipients of the email message in string format.
Email Body String The body of the email.
Is Read Boolean Indicates that an email message has been read.
Subject String The subject of the email. For example,'Test'
Input Email Office365message The unique identifier of the email message that must be forwarded.
Misc Display Name String Display name for the activity.
Output Response Code Int32 Response code for the activity. Possible values:
  • 200 to 290: Indicates a successful response or valid output.
  • 400 to 499: Indicates client error responses.
  • 500 to 599: Indicates servererror responses.