Accessing External Entity Management

The External Entity Management option is available to users who have one of these security roles:

  • IFS- ExternalEntity Admin
  • Infor-SystemAdministrator
  1. To access the user menu, click the Profile icon.
  2. Click External Entity Management.

On the External Entity Management page, you can viewa list of all created external entities. You can filter them and export their details.

Each external entity is displayed as a card, which shows these external entity details:

  • Name
  • Status
  • Description
  • Code
  • Number of users in an external entity

Use the search bar to filter the list of displayed external entities. You can search for external entities with such criteria as status, name, description, code. organization name, or company.

To export the details of external entities into a .csv file, click Export. The .csv file contains these external entity details:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Organization name
  • Maximum number of users who are allowed in an external entity
  • Redirect URL
  • Number of allowed sign in attempts before a user account is locked
  • Status

External Entity Management page has these menu options:

  • External Entities
  • External Entity Profile
  • Custom Authorized Components
  • Settings:
    • General Settings
    • Cloudsuite Identities Password Policy
    • Email Templates

This table describes the functionality of each menu option.

Menu option Description
External Entities View and manage external entities, including creating, editing, deleting, and disabling external entities and managing the number of users who are registered under an external entity.
External Entity Profiles View and manage external entity profiles, including creating, editing, and deleting external entity profiles.
Custom Authorized Components View and manage custom authorized components, including creating, editing, and deleting custom authorized components.
General Settings View and manage these general settings:
  • Login links:
    • Terms of Use URL
    • Contact Us URL
    • Policy URL
  • Manage features:
    • Max Number of Users Per External Entity
Cloudsuite Identities Password Policy View and configure the password strength and complexity requirements for Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le identities.
Email Templates View and manage email templates, including creating, deleting, and editing email templates..
Selected external entity This menu option is displayed only if the tenant administrator selects Users on an external entity.
Selected external entity

View and manage users, including adding, deleting, editing, importing, and exporting users. You can also activate and disable users, send invitations, reset passwords, and unlock accounts.

Selected external entity View and configure security roles. You can assign security roles to all existing users, new users, or individual users. You can delete security roles from individual users.
Selected external entity View and configure federated security settings, including the federated single sign-on through SAML. You can add and delete a fedarated security.
Selected external entity View and configure the authentication mode, and view URLs that allow you to access your system with different authentication methods.
Selected external entity View and configure users who sign in with Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le identities, and view and configure the password strength and complexity requirements for Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le identities.

You can bookmark these pages at the tenant level in Infor OS Portal:

  • External Entities
  • External Entity Profiles
  • Custom Authorized Components
  • General Settings
  • Cloudsuite Identities Password Policy
  • Email Templates
  • Tags
  • External User Monitoring Search
  • Admin Long Running Actions

You can bookmark these pages at the specific external entity level in the Infor OS Portal:

  • Users
  • Security Roles
  • Federated Security
  • Authentication URL Options
  • Session Configuration
  • Cloudsuite Identities Password Policy
  • Admin Long Running Actions