Understanding groups

Groups are a collection of Infor Ming.le users who have something in common. Groups can be based on such areas as skills, teams, or interests. These are types of Infor Ming.le groups and their properties:

  • Public
    • Shared content on the feed page is viewable by all Infor Ming.le users.
    • The group is displayed in the search results for any user.
    • Any user can request to be a member of the group,
    • Only a member may post on the group feed page.
    • Any user given Create Group permissions by the administrator can create this type of group.
    • The administrator has access to administrate the group.
    • Requests to join this group are accepted automatically.
  • Private
    • Shared content on the feed page is viewable only by members of the group.
    • The group is displayed in the search results by any user.
    • Any user can request to be a member of the group.
    • Only members may post to the group feed page.
    • Any user given Create Group permissions by the administrator can create this type of group.
    • The administrator has access to administrate the group (activate, deactivate, and remove posts).
    • Requests to join the group must be approved by a group administrator.

For public and private groups, you can be invited to join the group by the group administrator or you can request membership. You can request membership from the search results page, from the groups list of another user, or by going to the group feed or group profile page.

To request to be member of a group on the search results page from the top navigation panel or from a user's group list page, hover on Not Connected and click Connect under the You are not connected to <Group Name> message. A request is sent to the group administrator if the group is private. It must be accepted for you to have access to the group. If the group is public, your request is automatically accepted.

To request to be a member of a group from the group's profile or feed page, click Not Connected and click Connect under the You are not connected to <Group Name> message. A request is sent to the group administrator, if necessary.

After the request is accepted, you can see the group on your group Directory page when filtered by Connected. You have access to view and post on the group feed page.