Getting started with Infor Ming.le

Infor Ming.le is about collaborating and connecting with users and groups. From the Infor Ming.le page, you can set up your profile and begin to connect with other users and groups.

  1. You first upload a profile picture. Your profile picture is shown to you and other users on posts, notifications, and your profile. You can change your profile picture at any time by editing your profile.

    See Uploading a profile picture for information on uploading the profile picture.

  2. Next, you select a user with whom to connect. Users are other Infor Ming.le users.

    For more information about users, see Understanding connections.

    After you establish a connection to a user, that is, a connection request is sent and accepted by the user, you have access to post on the user's feed page. The user is also added to your connections list displayed under the left connections panel on the Activity Feed page. The Directory page displays a list of users who have already joined Infor Ming.le.

    See Connecting to a user for more information.

  3. Lastly, join a group. Groups are Infor Ming.le users who have something in common.

    For more information on groups, see Understanding groups.

After you join a group or add a user (the connection request must be accepted by the receiving user), you can view your Feed page. You can access your Feed page at any time by clicking the Activity Feed tab in the Infor Ming.le header.