Searching and filtering

When you search using the search bar, Infor Search uses a standard analyzer to produce search results for integrated applications.

Searching Infor Ming.le Social attributes

All attributes making up an Infor Ming.le Social document are broken down internally using different methods. The descriptions of the respective methods and the methods used for each attribute are shown below. If an attribute is not listed, assume it uses the standard method.

This table provides descriptions of the search methods:

Method Description
standard You can search using any word or phrase. For example: “This is my value - 123” can be searched using “This”, “is”, “my”, “value”, “123”, or any combination of these words. Not case sensitive.
englishStop You can search using any word or phrase, except for English “stop” words like “a”, “the”, “and”, “is”, etc. For example: “This is the value - 123” can be searched using only “value”. Must be searched using lower case.
startsWith You can search using any of the first 50 ordered characters within a word. For example: “Hello everyone” can be searched using “hel”, hell”, hello”, “eve”, “ever”, “every”, “everyo”, “everyon”, “everyone” or any of these combinations. Must be searched using lower case. Note that there is a minimum required length of 3.

This table identifies the methods used for each attribute:

Category Attribute Method
Infor Ming.le User First Name startsWith
Last Name startsWith
Username startsWith
Department startsWith
Infor Ming.le Group Department startsWith
Group Description englishStop
Group Name startsWith
Skills englishStop
Infor Ming.le Alert Description englishStop
ParameterValues englishStop
Title startsWith
Infor Ming.le Post Message Text englishStop
Infor Ming.le Task Description englishStop
Parameter Values englishStop
Title englishStop

Filtering search results

After the search results are displayed on the search results page, you can filter the results by using one of these methods:

  • Application tabs

    The application tabs are located at the top of the page below the search bar. These tabs include all applications that are associated with your search results.

    The All Results tab is selected by default, but you can click any application tab to display the results for that application only.

  • Filter by Type

    The Filter By Type drop-down is located on the search results page above the results. When you filter by type, you are filtering a single index. Examples of types are tasks, alerts, user, posts, group, and topics.

    Filter By Type displays the top ten types associated with your search results. After a type is selected, the search result filters to show only that type. You can also select multiple types to filter the search results for only those types.

After the desired search result is found, you can click the drillback title to access the application where the search result resides.