Enabling a page for Infor Go

You can use the My Pages > Enable for Infor Go option to enable one or more pages for display on a mobile device that uses Infor Go. This action is available only from My Pages in desktop mode. You cannot enable pages from your mobile device.

The Enable for Infor Go option is available only when a page is published with the Enable for Infor Go action selected. The Enable for Infor Go option is not displayed for mandatory pages, which are displayed for Infor Go when published with the Enable for Infor Go action selected.

To enable a page for Infor Go:

  1. Click the page menu icon (…) on the page title bar.
  2. Click My Pages.
  3. Click the page menu icon (…) on the page card title bar for a page that you want to enable for Infor Go.
  4. Click Enable for Infor Go > Yes. A Visible in Infor Go icon is displayed in the lower right corner of the page card to indicate that the page is now enabled.
  5. Enable additional pages as required.