Process order and hard deletion configuration

For GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance, IFS can be configured to perform the hard deletion of users in one step. This task must be completed or validated at least once.

To ensure that data is properly deleted and consistency is maintained, the deletion process must follow this order:

  1. Deletion of data from Infor Ming.le Collaboration
  2. Deletion of data from Coleman DA
  3. Deletion of data from IFS

To configure the system for hard or permanent deletion on one click:

  1. Log in as a user with the Infor-SystemAdministrator role and click the profile icon on the top right corner of the screen to access the profile panel.
  2. On the profile panel, click User Management.
  3. Click the menu list icon to expand the left panel.
  4. On the left panel, under Security Administration > Settings, click General Settings.
  5. On the General Settings screen, click User Delete.
  6. On the User Delete frame, select the deletion method and click Hard Delete.
  7. Click Save. A popup dialog is shown with information about the actions.
  8. Click Yes to confirm. Now when a user is deleted in IFS, the user's record is deleted permanently.
    Note: If Soft Delete is the user deletion method selected for User Delete, then when a user is deleted in IFS, the user's status is changed to DELETED. This results in the user no longer appearing on the Users page but the user record remaining in the database. A second deletion is required to delete the record permanently.