Working with announcements

The Announcements page displays a listing of announcements that are available for display in the page header, in the Announcements banner widget, or in the Announcement widget.

Use the search icon to locate an announcement, use the sort icon to change the sort order of the announcements list, or use the Filter options to limit the display of the announcements in the list.

To create an announcement, click New Announcement in the toolbar above the list, and complete the information, including the date range for the announcement.

These actions are available from the Actions toolbar that is displayed when one or more announcements are selected:

Action Description
Edit Opens the selected announcement in edit mode.
Delete Deletes the selected announcements from the list.
Export Exports the selected announcements.
Preview Opens the selected announcement in preview mode. In preview mode, you can select Preview Settings to change the display options for the announcement. You can also select Edit to edit the announcement in preview mode.
Permissions Copies the selected permissions, applies the copied permissions, replaces the copied permissions, and clears the selected permissions.