Hard deleting a user when user deletion method is set to soft delete

Prerequisite: The User Deletion Method must be set to Soft Delete under General Settings.

To delete a user when the user deletion method is set to Soft Delete:

  1. Navigate to the Users listing page.
  2. Select the users to be deleted.
  3. Click Delete in the Action drop down.
  4. Confirm the deletion process when prompted.
    Note: The user's status is now set to DELETED, and the user does not appear on the Users listing page. The user is not permanently deleted at this step, and the user record is retained in the database. To delete the record permanently, complete the remaining steps.
  5. Navigate to the Soft Deleted Users listing page.
  6. Select the users to be deleted.
  7. Click Delete in the Action drop down.
  8. Confirm the deletion process when prompted. The user’s record is now permanently deleted.