Search results

The search results display the values of the search criteria from the specified date and time range in tabular format.

Field Description
Event Type The type of event

User ID

The user who performed the action
Session ID The session when the action occurred
User Agent The browser the user used during the event
Sign In Source Cloud Identities (CI) or Federated Identities (IdP) depending on how the user signed in
Sign In Source ID For Cloud Identities: null

For SAML IdP: the entity ID value

For OpenId: the issuer value

MFA true or false, depending on whether MFA is performed: if MFA is enabled and not enforced on the tenant, and MFA is not performed, the result is false
MFA Type The value of the "device_provider" claim on the id_token provided by the MFA API, or null if MFA is not performed
MFA Device The value of the "device_name" claim on the id_token provided by the MFA API, or null if MFA is not performed (assuming this is the id_token from MFA, this should be the device_id value)
Time The time the event occurred