Publishing a standard page to an existing page

You can publish a standard page to an existing page, which overwrites the target page with the content, title, and description of the selected standard page. This action can be used to update pages that have the correct permissions with new content or to update a published copy of a standard page with the latest version of the original standard page.

To publish a standard page to an existing page:

  1. Under Homepages Administration, expand Pages, and click Standard Pages.
  2. Locate the standard page to use and select it by clicking the check box.
  3. Click More.
  4. Click Publish as Copy.
  5. Select the published page to be used as the target page.
  6. Click Add.
Note: The selected published page is overwritten. This action cannot be reversed.
Note:  You can use the newest sort order to find the updated page.