Working with tags

The Tags page displays a listing of all tag suggestions. The tag suggestions are used when searching for tags in the catalogs and when adding tags to pages or widgets to the Edit Publish Configuration dialogs. A tag is added to the suggestions when a widget or page is published with that tag applied. The entity that is shown in the list only shows for what entity the tag was added. The tag is shown as a suggestion for both entities (widgets and pages).

The tags tool can be used to add new tag suggestions or delete existing tag suggestions. You can select to show only widget tags, page tags, or both, and you can search among the tags and sort them based on title or change date.

Note: Widgets and pages can have tags that are not available in this list because they have been deleted from the suggestions or added before this functionality was implemented.

These actions are available from the Actions menu:

Action Description
Delete Deletes the selected tags from the suggestion list.
Note: Deleting a tag only removes it from the suggestions. The tag can still be used in widgets and pages. If the tag is added to both entities, you must delete it from both entities to remove the tag from the suggestion list.
Note: If another user publishes a widget or page with the removed tag, the tag will be added to the suggestions again.
Add Adds a tag to the suggestion list.