Types of variables

Homepages Properties

Homepages properties are key value pairs defined in Homepages Administration. Their purpose is to be used in URL templates. Examples of Homepages properties could be a part of a URL, a value for a parameter, or even a parameter name.

Examples (key/value):

imageurl: https://picsum.PHOTOS/600
imagepath: /id/958/600/600.jpg?hmac=6aQCup0gPCKS9bjrgDM4CWc7YhEs
imageid: 600


https://picsum.photos{imageurl | lower} 

Use pipe support with an action where the lower keyword converts a string to lower-case, before encoding it. For more information see Pipe support in URL templates.

Widget Settings

The settings for a specific widget can be used as variables for the URL template as well. This applies mostly for widget developers.


  • {launchUrl}

    The Launch URL can be reused for the URL setting of the Image or Web widget.

  • {linkUrl}

All settings for a specific widget can be found in Homepages Administration, Widgets, Standard Widgets. Select a widget and click View Details, then the Advanced tab.

Ming.le Parameters

Infor Ming.le has a set of standard parameters that are added to all Infor applications, or non-infor applications, that are opened through the Application Launcher. These parameters are then used by the applications to provide a consistent behavior, for example, theme and language.


LogicalId: lid://infor.m3aeqp-birst.m3aeqpbirst
TenantId: Infor
inforThemeName: HighContrast
inforCurrentLocale: en-US
inforCurrentLanguage: en-US
inforTimeZone: UTC+01:00


https://docs.infor.com/mingle/12.0.x/{inforCurrentLocale | lower}/minceolh/jho1449361868099.html

This last example has added “|lower” to apply a lower-case action on the current language.

User Detail Properties

User Detail properties can be found in User Management > User > Details. User Detail properties are supported only in dynamic pages and can only be used in images and links when you are building a dynamic page. They are not supported by the standard Image widget, Web widget, or Menu widget.


First Name, Last Name
Department, Manager
Email Address



There are also additional properties for a user. They can be found in the Additional Properties tab for the user. They can be defined in User Management > Metadata > User Properties > Additional Properties. These properties are created by an administrator and can only be used in dynamic pages. This means that the example applies only to a scenario when an additional property Country or HireDate has first been created in User Management.





Application Configuration

This type of variable is resolved if the URL Template has an application context, that is, an application is referenced. As an example, a portable link in the Menu widget has an application context and is referenced by a Logical ID. See more about this in the Portable Links section.

Application configuration can be used to resolve a small subset of values for an application like host, port, or context. These are all values that are needed to create a direct link to the application. It is mentioned here onlyfor information; there is no usage case for the Menu widget when this information should be used. Links to an application should be done through the format of favorite context (?favoriteContext=) or from a link with logicalId (?logicalId=lid://infor.ln).

Logical ID

Applications in Infor Ming.le all have a Logical ID, the LID. It is set up the first time when adding an application in Infor Mingle via the Admin Settings or when an application is provisioned. It can later be found in the application URL in the browser. The LID is the end part of that URL.


  • For Homepages - lid://infor.homepages.1
  • For M3 - lid://infor.m3.m3

The Logical ID consists of three parts, the first two parts make up the prefix and the last part is the instanceId. If there are more than one application installed, they will have the same prefix but different instanceIds.

Portable Links

Portable links can be defined and used in the Menu widget. A portable link has no hard-coded Logical ID as it is resolved in runtime using the current default application configuration.

It is suitable when you know that you will only have one application of a specific application logical id prefix. With this syntax you can import and export pages with Menu widgets between on-premises and cloud environments or between environments in cloud, and the Menu widget links will still work.

A template URL that uses the context of an application always starts with {lid://xxxxx}.

Example: {lid://infor.m3}?favoriteContext=CRS610&LogicalId={LogicalId}

The first part tells the resolver that it is an application-based URL template and will later be removed, resulting in the following URL: ?favoriteContext=CRS610&LogicalId=lid://infor.m3.m3