Understanding permissions for widgets

A Homepages administrator can set permissions for standard widgets and published widgets. A user who is allowed to publish widgets can set permissions for the widget when publishing it.

These are the access levels:

Access Level Description
Disabled The widget is completely disabled and not available in the Widget Catalog. If a standard widget is disabled, all published widgets based on that widget are also disabled.
Note: For a published widget, the widget owner, content administrators, and administrators can always find the widget in the Widget Catalog, and they are allowed to show and edit the widget, even if it is disabled for everyone.
View The user can view the widget on a page but cannot configure the widget.
Note: For widgets that require configuration, give the user the Configure access level.
Configure The user can view the widget and open the widget configuration.
Note: A published widget may have settings disabled, preventing the user from accessing the configuration menu.

When you set permissions, consider when the widget should be displayed in the Widget Catalog. Certain widgets are configured by power users and content providers. You can hide a widget from groups, roles, or users by setting the default so that the widget is not displayed in the Widget Catalog.