Working with Export

Use Export to export all or part of the Homepages data from one environment to another. It is important that the export be performed during a service window. Perform only one export or import at a time. Plan for the use of this tool, and use it carefully.

These are the data categories that can be exported:

Main category Sub category DescriptionFilter
SettingsThe homepage settings default values configuration
Settings rules The settings rules with different values for different roles and users
User settings Personal settings values for a user, for example the selected default homepage User display name
PropertiesHomepages properties. The same properties that are displayed in the Properties page.
Published widgets Published widgets Default title
Published widget permissions Permissions for a published widget
Standard widget permissions Permissions for standard widgets
Published pagesPublished pagesDefault title
Published page connections The connections that users have to the published pages
Published page permissions Permissions for a published widget
Private pages Private pages for users User display name
Standard page permissions Permissions for a standard page

When exporting a page from the page menu, you can convert any published widgets to include the published configuration to standard widgets or to preserve references to the published widgets:

  • If you keep the references, the exported page then works only in that specific environment.
  • If you convert the published widgets to standard widgets with configuration, the published configuration for those widgets is added as a local publish configuration ( includes only settings, no publish configuration).

    It is possible for these widget settings to be locked after an import. To enable them again, click the widget menu icon (…) on the widget title bar, select Advanced > Edit Publishing Configuration > Settings and enable all settings.

    Note: The widget must have settings, and the widget enableSettings parameter must be set to true in the widget manifest.

Filter supports a list of values separated with a comma as well as a wild card search. A filter set to Peter*, for example, includes all users starting with Peter in their display name. You can also enter an email address in the Filter field to export:

  • User settings
  • Published widgets
  • Published pages
  • Private pages

Filtering by email includes only the content of the email addressee for the export.

Sub-category can be exported only if the main category is selected.