Working with published widgets

The Published Widgets page displays a listing of all published widgets. When permissions are set, the Permissions column contains the keyword Restricted. The default permission is for the published widget to be displayed in the Widget Catalog.

The Published Widgets page has all actions available in the toolbar above the list. You can search, sort, and filter to affect which widgets are shown. To display more widgets that match the search, click More below the list. All possible actions are available from the Actions menu. Actions that are available only for either single or multiple select are enabled only when they can be used.

These actions are available from the Actions menu:

Delete Deletes the selected widgets.
Note: If the widget is used on a page, the widget is displayed as inactive with an icon and a dialog where you can search and select a new owner for the widget. widget is not available message.
Export Exports the selected widgets as a zip file.
Permissions > Edit Permissions Shows the Widget Permissions – Alerts dialog where you can remove, add, and edit permissions.
Permissions > Copy Permissions Copies all permissions for the selected widget to the clipboard.
Permissions > Apply Copied PermissionsAdds the permissions from the clipboard and updates the values for existing groups and users without removing existing entries.
Permissions > Replace Copied Permissions Clears any existing permissions and adds the permissions from the clipboard.
Permissions > Clear PermissionsRemoves all permissions for the selected widgets. This action enables all users to configure the published widget and makes the published widget available in the Widget Catalog.
More > View Details Displays information about the widget such as the title, widget ID, owner ID, and widget URL.
More > Copy URL to Clipboard Copies the widget URL to the clipboard.
More > Take Ownership Makes you the owner of the widget.
More > Change Ownership Opens the Change Owner dialog
Note: Owners have permission to change a widget if they have permission to publish widgets.
Export All Exports all published widgets.
Note: This action includes all published widgets including those not yet retrieved by the client.
Import Imports a zip file with published widgets.

The Import Published Widgets dialog has Overwrite existing files and Preserve existing files options. The default is to overwrite existing files.

Note: You cannot import a published widget if the standard or tenant widget upon which the published widget is based is not available. These widgets are skipped during the import.

The import of a standard widget with no framework in the manifest will fail and widget will not be imported.

For a single import only (not a zip file or a file in a zip file), an error message indicates when the import fails.

Note: Some actions are displayed or enabled only if you click Copy Permissions and permissions exist in the clipboard or if the widget has permissions.

For information on adding, updating, and removing widget permissions see Working with widget permissions.