Working with properties

The Properties page in the Administration tool shows a list of ad hoc properties. Ad hoc properties are an advanced topic. In most cases, you do not use properties.

You can use ad hoc property values in widgets that support properties such as the Web widget. The Web widget supports URL templates with replacement variables that can access ad hoc properties. For example, you can specify a base URL as an ad hoc property to publish Web widgets that use that property. The benefit is that you can update the base URL in one place for all widgets that use the property.

These actions are available above the list:

Add property Displays the Add Property dialog.
Import Displays the Import Properties dialog.
Export All Exports all properties to a JSON file.

These additional actions are available when at least one action is selected:

EditDisplays the Edit Property dialog.
Note: Enabled only for a single selection.
Delete (<number>)Deletes the selected properties.
Export (<number>) Exports the selected properties.