Common settings

NameDefault value Description
Admin contact info blank Administrative contact information text. This information is displayed in the About dialog. Set this value so that the user knows whom to contact.
Admin email blank An email address of an administrator or contact person. This information is displayed next to the Admin contact info text in the About dialog. Set this value so that the user knows whom to contact.
Client log level InformationThe log level used by the client to log to the browser console. This setting can be changed for troubleshooting issues in the client.
Default languageEnglish (en-US) The default language to use if none of the languages accepted by the browser is supported.
Owner filter in catalogs True Authorizes users to use the Owned by filter in the catalogs.
Note: This affects only the Owned by filter. The other owner filters, My pages/widgets and Anyone, are not affected by this setting.
Translate widget, page title, and descriptionTrueAuthorizes users to create translations for published pages and widgets. This is a global setting to enable or disable all users within a tenant to this setting. The setting does not accept rules.
Note: Consider turning this setting off when a single language is used.