Publishing a copy of a standard page

You can publish a copy of a standard page, which creates a new published page with the same content as the standard page and adds it to the Page Catalog. This new published page can be altered by a content administrator. This action can be used if you do not want to receive updates for the standard page.

If you have published a copy of a standard page and want to update it with the latest version of the standard page, you can use the Publish to existing page option. See Publishing a standard page to an existing page.

Note: To hide the standard page from the catalog and show only the published copy, disable the standard page on the Standard Pages page. Verify that the permissions for the new published page are correct on the Published Pages page.

To publish a copy of a standard page:

  1. Under Homepages Administration, expand Pages, and click Standard Pages.
  2. Locate the page to publish a copy of and select it by clicking the check box.
  3. Click More.
  4. Click Publish as Copy.
Note: Widgets on the page may still change, depending on their configuration.
Note: To update the published copy with the latest version of the standard page, see Publishing a standard page to an existing page.