Settings tab

In this tab you can specify this information:

  • API Call Time-out (seconds)
    Specify the interval of time to wait for a response from the API call. The default value is 3600 seconds (1 hour). Max value is 86 000. Time-out is disabled by entering 0.
  • Override default action based on HTTP response status code

    You can specify HTTP response status codes for each required outcome (Retry, Confirm BOD). It overrides the default action after receiving this status code. You can override all status codes in range 0-999 with exception of status codes 200 and 201.

    For example, add response status code 401 into the ConfirmBOD field. After receiving status code 401, the default retry action is not started, the Confirm BOD is generated instead.

    API Gateway has special handling for response status codes in "100 - Continue" range. Wait for final response after receiving these codes is done directly in API Gateway, therefore you cannot influence the action in the API Gateway connection point.

For the "JSON from BOD" format, you can specify the following conversion rules:

  • Treat XML as a string

    The entire contents of the source XML will be converted as a string.

  • Treat E-scientific numbers as a string

    E-scientific numbers in the source XML will be converted as a string.