API Gateway connection point

With an API Gateway connection point, you can define a connection from ION to any application with a REST interface that is registered in API Gateway.

To call an API operation use these scenarios:

  • Send to API
  • Get from API
  • Trigger API

In a document flow you can use an API Gateway connection point to map an input document to the API request. Send an API response as an output document or map a response to the output document. You can also combine earlier mentioned methods to trigger required response based on an input document.

To call an API, these configuration steps must be completed:

  • Ensure the application that exposes the API to call is registered in the API Gateway, Swagger 2.0 or Open API 3 documentation is provided, and that its endpoints are indexed.
  • Ensure that API is sending response Content-Encoding set to "identity" (no compression) or with "deflate" compression.
  • Ensure you specified the description property of the service account. The service accounts for the server application that exposes the APIs to call are created in the Infor Ming.le User Management UI. This is required by ION.

    You can use the same service account in several API Gateway connection points. The credentials of this service account are used in these situations:

    • When calling the API from ION to perform a Test API Call.
    • When loading API Swagger/Open API documentation.
    • At runtime, when ION performs the API Gateway step.

The definitions of an API Gateway connection point:

  • The standard properties for any connection point, such as name, description and tenant. For API Gateway connection points the logical ID type is fixed ('api'). The logical ID is lid://infor.api followed by the converted name.
  • Authentication for connection to the target API.
  • Selection of API operation.
  • Which documents are sent and received and how the data are mapped to and from API.
Note:  To prevent possible issues, we recommend that you define one API per API Gateway connection point. If the connection point contains multiple APIs, errors in one API can affect the processing of other APIs.

Binary content

If you consider sending binary content such as images, archive files, pdf documents etc. through API Gateway be aware that not all request options can handle such content. Not all cases are recognized by ION and validated during modeling. Requests with binary content can fail at runtime or succeed, but data can be corrupted.

Binary content should be send using:

  • application/octet-stream request format
  • multipart/form data request format
  • Any other request content type when ANY document is used as input

Binary content cannot be send using:

  • Request parameters (Request Parameters tab)
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded request format

Related documents

The API Gateway connection point is built by the API metadata exposed by the API Gateway. Information about the API Gateway functionality can be found in:

  • Infor Ming.le Cloud Edition Administration Guide
  • Infor API Gateway Administration Guide