
During the API Gateway Connector configuration, you can use keywords in the Value field when constructing an API request on the Request and Request mapping tabs.

Press Ctrl + Space to view the list of available keywords. The list is separated into two categories, VARIABLES and MESSAGE HEADER FIELDS. When a keyword is selected, it is shown between square brackets as, for example: [current_date].

The available variables keywords and in which scenario they can be used are shown in this table:

Keyword Description Scenario
current_datetime Current UTC date time is represented as yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss-SSS. This list shows the explanation of these characters:
  • y: Year
  • M: Month in year
  • d: Day in month
  • H: Hour in day (0-23)
  • m: Minute in hour
  • s: Second in minute
  • S: Millisecond

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Current UTC date time represented as yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ. This list shows the explanation of these characters:

  • y: Year
  • M: Month in year
  • d: Day in month
  • H: Hour in day (0-23)
  • m: Minute in hour
  • s: Second in minute
  • S: Millisecond
  • T: Static value used as Date/Time separator
  • Z: Static value indicating UTC offset is ± 00:00

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current_date Current UTC date represented as yyyy-MM-dd. This list shows the explanation of these characters:
  • y: Year
  • M: Month in year
  • d: Day in month

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The UTC date time of last execution that is represented as yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss-SSS. This list shows the explanation of these characters:

  • y: year
  • M: Month in year
  • d: Day in month
  • H: Hour in day (0-23)
  • m: Minute in hour
  • s: Second in minute
  • S: Millisecond
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The UTC date time of last execution represented as yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ. This list shows the explanation of these characters:

  • y: Year
  • M: Month in year
  • d: Day in month
  • H: Hour in day (0-23)
  • m: Minute in hour
  • s: Second in minute
  • S: Millisecond
  • T: Static value used as Date/Time separator
  • Z: Static value indicating UTC offset is ± 00:00
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The UTC date of last execution that is represented as yyyy-MM-dd. This list shows the explanation of these characters:

  • y: year
  • M: Month in year
  • d: Day in month
  • H: Hour in day (0-23)
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This table shows the available Message header field keywords and in which scenario they can be used:
Keyword Description Scenario
accounting_entity The Accounting Entity that is populated in Message Header.

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batch_id The Batch ID that is populated in Message Header.

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batch_sequence The Batch Sequence that is populated in Message Header.

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batch_size The Batch Size that is populated in Message Header.

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batch_revision The Batch Revision that is populated in Message Header.

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batch_abort_indicator The Batch Abort Indicator that is populated in Message Header.

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Custom_<<Name>> The Custom header that is populated in the Message header. Placeholder <<Name>> is replaced by header name which is defined in Data Catalog.

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document_id The Document ID that is populated in Message Header.

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document_name Full Document Name as defined in ION Data Catalog, for BODs in format: verb_name.noun_name

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from_logical_id The From Logical ID that is populated in Message Header.

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instances The Instances that is populated in Message Header.

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location_id The Location ID that is populated in Message Header

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message_id The Message ID that is populated in Message Header.

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revision_id The Revision ID that is populated in Message Header.

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source The Source that is populated in Message Header.

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tenant_id The Tenant ID that is populated in Message Header.

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to_logical_id The To Logical ID that is populated in Message Header.

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variation_id The Variation ID that is populated in Message Header.

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