Managing certificates and identities with Grid CLI

Grid CLI commands are useful for managing the Grid offline, or when the Grid Management Pages cannot be accessed. They are also useful for automation purposes. The Grid CLI tool is available in the tools subfolder of the grid installation folder on each host.

The tool is called with this command:

java -jar <grid install folder>/tools/grid-cli.jar -dir <grid install folder> <command>

Executing this without the <command> part will show the usage.

The CLI commands related to certificates and identities are organized in these main categories:
  • Certificate
  • Identity
  • Cert

Adding a command to the call will show the usage for that command and the expected input parameters.

All CLI commands can be prefixed with -json to write the result to a file, e.g.

>java -jar grid-cli.jar -json output.json certificate clientcreate-clientname test -keystoretype jks

Task Command
Listing client certificates issued by the Grid, selected by status. certificate clientList
Creating a client key store for authenticating to the Grid. certificate clientCreate
Revoking a client certificate. certificate clientRevoke
Listing all HTTPS identities. identity list
Creating a new identity with an SSL certificate issued by the Grid. identity create
Creating a new HTTPS identity by importing a key store. identity createWithKeyStore
Exporting an identity SSL certificate with the private key. identity export
Listing the configured HTTPS identities on each router. router list
Exporting Grid root certificate for use in a trust store. cert exportGrid