Navigation to Role Mapping Pages

How you navigate to the pages for editing role mapping depends on whether you want to work with the global role mappings page (where the roles for all applications are available) or with an application-centric role mappings page (where only the roles for one application are available).

Navigating the global role mapping page

  1. Access the Grid Management Pages as a user with the grid-admin role.

  2. Click Security and then Role Mappings.

    A page with all grid and grid application defined roles will be shown and can be configured.

Navigating an application-centric role mapping page

  1. Access the Grid Management Pages as a user with the grid-admin role.

  2. Click the Applications link.

  3. Select the application you would like to configure role mappings for.

  4. On the context menu drop-down in the top right corner, select Role Mappings.

    A page with all available grid application-defined roles for this application will be shown and can be configured.

Regardless of whether you used the global or the application-centric role mapping page, you will now be presented with a page that lets you define and edit role mappings.