Configuring role mappings

  1. Select the role that you want to configure. For easier navigation, filter the list of roles by using the Filter option. To narrow the list further, you can show only roles that have existing role mappings associated with them by selecting the check box Show only roles with members.
  2. To modify role mappings for a given role, select Edit.
  3. To perform role mappings position the cursor on the text box.

    All available roles will be listed except for the IFS Security Roles.

  4. To list all roles from IFS, click Load IFS Security Roles.
  5. To find the role to map, narrow the search by typing characters in the text field. The search will be performed on the entire role name, not only from the start. After the role has been selected, you can include or exclude it by pressing the corresponding button.
    Note: You can type a name and create a role mapping without using the list. This means that a user id can be added. Mappings to these free text items require an exact match.
  6. Save the role mappings.

    The Resolved Members column will be updated. This column shows all roles that a user with the chosen role will get when logging in to the Grid. The Included In column shows the other roles that this role has been directly included in. The Resolved Included In column shows all roles that it has indirectly been included in.

You can also add new user-defined roles if needed. These roles can then be used when doing role mappings as any other role. Create a new role by using the Add New function in the top left corner.

You can delete user-defined roles by using the Delete function in the details panel.