To configure SSL for grid HTTP clients

  1. Access the Grid Management Pages and select Configuration in the top menu followed by the Routers tab.
  2. Select the router you wish to configure.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the HTTPS area, specify a port number (if not already present). HTTPS connections are now possible to that port.
  5. To configure the HTTPS authentication type, use the drop-down box.
    Note: If you select the option "Server authentication only", client authentication through certificate to this HTTPS port will not be available.

    If you select the option "Clients must authenticate with certificate", only certificate authentication will be possible through this router.

  6. To enable specific cipher suites for the HTTPS connection, click Set Ciphers.... Use the Cipher Selection dialog box to specify the desired ciphers. The format of the cipher suites are those specified in the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation, for example TLS_RSA_ WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA. The dialog box allows inclusion and exclusion of each of the components of the cipher suites.
  7. Select the desired WWW authentication methods.
  8. Select the identity to use for this router. For more information, see Managing HTTPS identities in the Grid Management Pages.
  9. Click Apply.